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Major Trend: Self-Love (Is it a scam?)

Hey you, this is part of a series on self-love, self-hatred and how we can look at ourselves wholesomely without neglecting parts. Do we really love ourselves? What does cancel culture have to do with our ability to face discomfort? How can we get a more total understanding of our complex creature…and fully accept light & dark within. I want to understand that. I might as well take you along.   The Body Shop Global Selflove Index "has identified a self-love* crisis for women around the world, with one in two women feeling more self-doubt than self-love, and 60% wishing they had more respect for themselves." Also according to the research, people in the US who are single have lower Self-Love, compared to those in a relationship. Looking at these statistics one might get confused what self-love actually is.  One thing I am certain of: self-love is self-mastery . It is pealing layer after layer of false programming. It is being brave enough to look our shadow in the eye and

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